- Lürzers Archive 200 best Digital Artist 2020-2021 -
-2021 / Musical Pillows campaign (Bowie, Amy, Mozart).
- Lürzers Archive Magazine -
- Hasbro Play-Doh new Edition Campaign / issue 06-2017.
- Conservation International Campaign / Issue 03-2018.
- Spring Mattresses campaign / Issue 01-2019.
- McDonalds Say No More / Issue 03-2019.
- Colsubsidio Book Exchange / Issue 03-2019.
- Ojo de Iberoamérica -
- 2020 / Bullying / Bronze.
- 2020 / Undaily Bread / Silver.
- 2020 / It´s hard to see the problem / Shortlist.
- The One Show -
-2020 / McDonalds Say No More / Shortlist.
- Festival El Dorado -
- 2020 / Undaily Bread / Silver x 2.
- 2018 / Conservation International / Silver x 2.
- WINA festival -
- 2020 Beer against climate change / Gold.
- Cannes Lions Festival -
- 2015 / Emoticoke / Shortlist.
- FIAP -
- 2013 / Henkel Superbonder Porcelain / Shortlist.